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Jordi Oriol

Sala Petita

Perhaps there, holding hands, united under the name of Europe, we could explain the myth that gave us a name: that which tells the story of an all-powerful God who, burning with love for a Phoenician girl, sailed to the coasts of today’s Lebanon (or Syria)... and, under the guise of an enormous bull, abducted her while crossing the Mediterranean and, once in Crete (or Lampedusa…), raped her... And since then... Europe has been boiling.
It is like a pressure cooker whistling and steaming. Europe is bubbling, it’s about to explode. It’s a hullabaloo. A hotchpotch and, with so much noise, we no longer hear the joy of the ode; we only note the deafness of its composer.
An authoritarian white bull abducted Europa and now, perhaps, we see that we’ll never manage to tame it.
Promotion buy before the premiere with the promotional code TNCEUROPA

Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, SA.
Plaça de les Arts, 1, 08013 Barcelona, Spain
Telephone: 933065700
Email: info@tnc.cat

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