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Una creació d’HOTEL - Col·lectiu Escènic i ATRESBANDES

Sala Tallers

An individual attends a therapy session. The session starts with a question: How are you doing today? The answer becomes body, movement and actions, and unfolds an inner map of this person. A dreamlike journey through different regions of the unconscious that, superimposed, seek to outline impulses as human as the feeling of guilt. A play of negatives, in which what defines a person is actually what he or she has not done or never will.
This creation will open the 18th Festival de Creació Contemporània del Poblenou.
Promotion buy before the premiere with the promotional code TNCHABITACIO

Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, SA.
Plaça de les Arts, 1, 08013 Barcelona, Spain
Telephone: 933065700
Email: info@tnc.cat

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